If you are looking for help to use this Wiki you may check a number of places.
General help
These help pages are not specific to this Wiki but come packaged with the Wiki engine.
- The pages HelpContents gives a structured overview of the help pages. HelpIndex presents all help pages as a list and on HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions there are is a general FAQ.
The WikiCourse gives a general introduction to Wikis. If you are new to Wikis this may give you an idea of what this is all about.
The SyntaxReference and the HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer gives you short reminders of two syntax schemes which are commonly used in this Wiki.
Attention: Please note that all general help pages refer to the default syntax of the underlying Wiki engine. However, by default we use a slight derivation from this syntax which switches off camel case for automatic link generation. I.e. if you want to reference a certain page you have to mark your intention by explicit markup.
Specific help / FAQs
Besides the general help pages outlined in the previuos section there are a couple of FrequentlyAskedQuestions pages which are specific for this Wiki:
Since these pages are specific for this Wiki the content there always overrides what is said in the general help pages.
Help by page templates
If you create a new page based on a template - which you really should do - then in many cases you will find comments in this template which help you with page creation.
Questions still not answered
If you considered the help offered above and you still don't know how to proceed feel free to add a question to one of the FAQs.
Feature requests
If you are missing a certain feature a lot you may add to the feature requests.