Current vote:

Does it work with reStructuredText, too? Yes - with the usual caveats that inline macros contain a line break.

Page/Title Subject Rank Votes
1) WikiSandBox/Rating BarbieDoll 3.00 2
2) WikiSandBox/Rating BugsBunny (not rated) 0
3) WikiSandBox/Rating DonaldDuck 4.00 2
4) WikiSandBox/Rating KingKong 2.50 2
5) WikiSandBox/Rating MinnieMouse 4.00 2
6) WikiSandBox/Rating MissPiggy 4.00 2
7) WikiSandBox/Rating SuperMan 1.50 2

Well, in fact it seemed so. Now it is not working. Strange... Now it works again. Even stranger...

WikiSandBox/Rating/Results (last edited 2008-03-22 21:47:22 by StefanMerten)

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