This page is meant to develop criteria for a germ form and check for agreement. Feel free to add your ideas and comments here and please add a "@ SIG @" to your contribution (without the spaces). Consolidated and agreed criteria are copied to the parent page.
Suggestions by StefanMerten
The following criteria has been suggested by StefanMerten during the Hütten workshop. They are based on the common argumentation figures in Project Oekonux -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:16:43
- Productive project
I.e. the project must produce something useful. What exactly is produced is less important. This criteria excludes all forms which are not productive such as pure living communities.
- Criticism: Is the historical shift really initiated by the production? (Reported from the workshop: -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47)
- IMHO this criticism confuses a couple of concepts. It is not the production which initiates a shift in history but the development of the productive forces. I.e. it is a historical process which at some point changes its quality. The production itself is only one part of that aspect - as is for instance technology. However, if the historical process comes about by the development of the productive forces then it must be observable in productive projects. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47
Using the development of the productive forces as a basic line of argument goes back to Marx. May be someone more fluent with Marx than me can explain more about this background. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47
- IMHO this criticism confuses a couple of concepts. It is not the production which initiates a shift in history but the development of the productive forces. I.e. it is a historical process which at some point changes its quality. The production itself is only one part of that aspect - as is for instance technology. However, if the historical process comes about by the development of the productive forces then it must be observable in productive projects. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47
- Reason: Capitalism can only be overcome when it is possible to replace its productive power by new and improved forms.
- Results of the process are of higher quality than capitalist products
Reason: If the results of the productive process have less quality than the results of capitalist production then there is no reason for this type of production. The higher quality can be seen when the Free results are actually used up by capitalism.
- Results of the process are of higher quality than capitalist products
- Criticism: Does the concept of quality express power to act ("Handlungsmächtigkeit")? (Reported from the workshop: -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47)
- Should it? If so: Why? -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47
- At the forefront of the development of productive forces
Reason: Every society is overcome if the productive forces tend to overcome the productive forms of the old society. This is not possible for the productive areas which are central to prior ages of production.
- Criticism: Are the productive forces really of key importance? Could it be necessary to distinguish the concept of productive forces for instance into efficiency and effectiveness? (Reported from the workshop: -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47)
- IMHO the concept of productive forces is already rather distinguished. I like to use the definitions in the glossary. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:40:47
- Actual existance, observable
Reason: If something is only imagined it can not be observed and thus it can not be tested whether it works at all.
- Non-alienation
- Absence of exchange value and exchange
Reason: Exchange value and exchange are central characteristics of capitalism introducing major alienation. Thus a project which is based on alienated forms can not be a germ form.
- Creates abundance
Reason: Abundance is one of the possibilities which makes it easy to overcome exchange.
- Creates abundance
- Needs to be result of the direct needs of those involved
This implies that the productive process focuses exclusively on the use value of the product.
Reason: If a project is not the result of the direct needs of those involved there is some ideology demanding that type of project. Ideologies are always alienated, however.
- Self determined organization
I.e. not organized by a process alienated to the germ form.
Reason: Every alienation, every external setting of agendas is negative for the quality of the process.
- Makes Selbstentfaltung possible
Reason: Only if Selbstentfaltung is possible then higher quality can be achieved.
- Win-win situation for everybody involved
Reason: If someone feels that s/he sustains an overall loss in some system than there is a high chance for alienation. What is considered a loss is up to the involved individuals here.
- Absence of exchange value and exchange
- Unlimited externally and internally
Reason: Only if a project allows for influences for anyone interested it can appreciate and use all useful ideas regardless from where they come.
- Global networking
Reason: Global networking is one practical way to make internal unlimitedness possible.
- Global networking
Freedom of the results is outcome and precondition of the process
- Results of the germ form are Free because of the process
Can be used by anyone who needs them. This implies that they are available without paying.
- Process needs Freedom as a precondition
Please note that this implements a positive feedback cycle.
- Results of the germ form are Free because of the process
Suggestions by FranzNahrada
The following criteria has been suggested by FranzNahrada after the Hütten workshop while being concerned with GlobalVillages. Translation by StefanMerten. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 09:16:43
- Co-Selbstentfaltung
My own Selbstentfaltung is result and precondition of the Selbstentfaltung of others.
- The way of doing as a product
Structure and activity further each other (cf. Alexander, Criteria for good patterns).
- May be my translation is wrong but I can not see what the explanation has to do with the criterion. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
I'd think that such type of furthering is a key feature of each and every sustainable process. A process where structure prevents activity is dead and a process where activity prevents structure is chaos. I.e.: IMHO though it is true this is too trivial because it does not distinguish a germ form from anything else. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
- I think its another word for vitality and the possibility to nurture activities. In this very sense I think it is very well "germformish". --FranzNahrada
- May be my translation is wrong but I can not see what the explanation has to do with the criterion. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
- Criteria of resilience
What does resilience mean? -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
- Furthering of the ability to support yourself at least in the case of emergency.
This envisions a type of society which is permanently in danger and major catastrophes can happen every time and without any time to protect against them. Why should someone look for germ forms of such an anti-human society? I'd prefer looking for a society which offers security to its members and where the overall societal process is organized in a way that self-subsistence is simply superfluous. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
To support a human on the current level of civilization needs lots of ressources, division of labor and humans. Self-subsistence as required here would either mean a level of support which goes way behind the state of civilization already reached or would require. No a self-subsistent support system reaching the level of support necessary is even not thinkable. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
See wiki:Archive_ox-en:03304.html for a longer discussion. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
- In the process dependencies are reduced where possible
(furthering of free and non-forced cooperation)
- Dependencies are not an accident and something dangerous but a result of co-Selbstentfaltung. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
If you think humans as social beings then dependencies are always present. As a social being a human can not exist without society. As such dependencies are an inalienable feature of humans. However, in capitalist society "man is man's wolf". With such an ideology dependencies are indeed dangerous. I'd rather strive for a society where "the freedom of the others is a precondition of my own freedom" and as such the freedom of the others is an extension of my own freedom. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- Dependencies are not an accident and something dangerous but a result of co-Selbstentfaltung. -- StefanMerten 2006-07-18 18:03:11
- Furthering of cultural diversity (multiple perspectives)
- Furthering of the ability to support yourself at least in the case of emergency.
- Criteria of effectiveness
Important for limited material ressources.
- Best use: The usage of limited ressources should be governed by the criterion: How kann the best result for all be accomplished.
- Use of the "unlimitedly generous cooperation partner nature" -
creative view of ecology
Suggestions by PatrickAnderson
The following five points probably relate to the five step model. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- Emergence of new: Needs-based tools target local utility:
For Free Software these sources were created:
- Edit (Emacs), Compile (gcc), Execute (Linux kernel)
For Free Hardware these sources are purchased:
- Till (tractor), Sow (drill, seed), Irrigate (water rights, sprinklers), Reap (harvest, thresh), Store (dehydrate, jar, package)
- Ahm - what about my local microprocessor? -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- Crisis of old: Capitalism relies on artificial scarcity but Freedom perfects competition by enforcing "at cost" access.
- Free Software: Users access product "at cost". Qualified worker access sources "at cost".
- Free Hardware: Users access product "at cost". Qualified worker access sources "at cost".
Consumer price continues to fall because competition is perfected and resources are never more than "at cost". Any worker may bid each at each cycle to do the work (such as harvesting almonds), but nobody is allowed to keep the collectively owned trees artificially scarce. This even causes a crisis for workers if they do not move out of the old mindset of profit through scarcity into one where the goal is wealth through abundance.
- That's the way capitalism is actually meant to work - though workers movement had a say here and there. I can not see why this can be seen as an indication of crisis of old. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- New within old: Private owner syndication disallows recapture.
- The subset of Free Software called 'Copyleft' is the only trouble for capitalists, as these GNU owners forbid the re-enclosure of that resource in a manner that other licenses do not.
- Free Hardware resources should be held in an analogous 'Property Left' manner, with owners forbidding enclosure through (perhaps) a Lease that requires the resource remain "at cost" for all who qualify to bid upon.
- Physical Sources of production are traditionally only controlled by owners. Free as in Freedom access causes most control to be available "at cost", while artificial scarcity (also known as 'hoarding') is disallowed.
- New finally dominates: Results are initially low, but finally outperform
- GNU/Linux was a 'toy' OS for many years, but is now a direct competitor:
- Purchasing the Land, Buildings and Tools needed to begin the production of Free Hardware will be an arduous and initially ridiculously small endeavor, but will finally win because the disallowance of "Owner Profit" will cause higher "Worker Profit" and lower "Consumer Price", finally outperforming Capitalism.
- Changes in the distribution of surplus value is perfectly the program of the workers movement. However, this changes nothing in the fundaments of the society. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- Reconstruction: Consumers are in ultimate control.
- Consumer may hire a worker (or purchase an output of production from a worker), but is always permitted (when qualified) to access the sources "at cost".
- Management, maintenance, custodial, security, etc. costs are minimized by offering those positions to potential workers in a "reverse-bid" manner - where salary is competitively set by those who can most efficiently accomplish those requirements. This brings up 'qualification' again, but that should already be a consideration.
- Every consumer may self-organize to avoid external agenda and allow Selbstentfaltung.
- Outputs of production are Free ("at cost").
- Which is what happens in capitalism anyway. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- Sources can be used by any qualified person who needs them. This implies that they are available without paying more than real costs, and worker incentives are structured to minimize costs.
- Any amount that workers bid beyond the rent 'floor' would probably be applied toward the purchase of more sources of that type - since overbidding indicates a shortage of that kind of resource.
High level requirements:
- Owners lease capital to qualified laborers until reimbursement is complete and replacement costs are also gathered (for insurance coverage). Rent is then reduced to operational costs (wear/tear/parts, lubricants/fluids, etc.) and external taxes.
- Consumers drive innovation and production by requesting solutions.
Qualified artisans should contract with consumers before completing work.
- Artisans are entreprenuers, and may pay others to deal with customers etc.
- Just as with GPLed software, the realworld owner (whether of copyright, vehicle pink-slip, land deed, patent, etc.) is important only in preventing capture from other realworld owners. The usual 'rights' of the owner to charge more than cost are voluntarily relenquished (through the rental agreement's wording) in the hopes that the community will flourish by protecting the worker.
- Workers may receive payment for the creation of reproducible finite materials (designs, genetics, software, media, intellect), but access to copy these must be LOCKED OPEN to disallow artificial scarcity.
- Some of the irreproducible finite resources (land, water, wavelengths) are long-term leased and LOCK CLOSED for privacy and assurance.
- Qualification must be determined in a fair manner: These limitations are meant to protect citizens and machinery from destruction and abuse.
- Hoarding must be limited in whatever way: An actor must never be able to rent sources in a leveraging way against another.
- Permaculture is a creative view of ecology where landscaping and agriculture are combined to provide local raw materials for all food, drink, drug, cloth, soap, house, heat.
- Green is not enough. Our cities are green but barren. Every plant we install (along the road, by a building, in a park) should be gifting. We are watering and caring for them anyway. The 'extra' work must be done by somebody - somewhere in the world to supply the raw materials of our needs. Bringing that work local gives wealth, control, security and power to the people.
- Hmm... I need a microprocessor - or probably not only one. You really want to have a microprocessor plant in my garden? Or may be in my town? What for? -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
Also see my criticism of self-subsistence. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
- Hmm... I need a microprocessor - or probably not only one. You really want to have a microprocessor plant in my garden? Or may be in my town? What for? -- StefanMerten 2007-01-04 08:51:17
-- PatrickAnderson 2006-07-21 15:35:33
More suggestions
- Germ form must fit into the five-step-model -- StefanMerten 2006-07-20 07:07:45
A germ form must embody a paradigm switch -- StefanMerten 2006-07-20 07:07:45
- A germ form must be a synthesis from the thesis and anti-thesis of
the former society -- StefanMerten 2006-07-20 07:07:45
Comments by Annette Schlemm
Taken from wiki:De:Huetten06/Protokolle/ArbeitUndHandlung/Holzkamp/Talk and (partly) translated. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 06:52:41
Annettes comments mainly relate to the five-step-model. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 06:52:41
Wenn wir diese Analyse "prospektiv" verwenden wollen, schauen wir quasi von der von uns gewünschten Situation aus ("Freie Gesellschaft") "zurück" und ermitteln durch diesen Blick, welcher Weg dahin zu nehmen ist, welche Voraussetzungen dafür notwendig sind.
- If we use this analysis (of the five-step-model) in a "prospective" way, then we take the wished for situation ("Free Society") "back" and by this perspective recognize the way to take to reach it, which preconditions are necessary.
Auf diese Weise bringt diese Sichtweise die Analyse der realen Situation (im Punkt 1) mit der von uns vertretenen konkreten Utopie (im Punkt 5) zusammen. Wir analysieren die Realität mit kritischem Blick und sichern ab, dass das von uns Gewünschte auch möglich und kein Hirngespinst ist... (AS)
- This way this perspective connects the analysis of the real situation (in step 1) to the concrete utopia (step 5) we are arguing for. We analyze the reality with a critical mind and make sure that what is wished for is possible and not only a mind game.
- I think this perspective is fundamentally flawed. To have some goal society and then to look for what signs for it is in essence an idealist perspective. This type of perspective makes it at least difficult to see reality as it is and projects wishes of today into an unknown future. Indeed I think this type of idealist approach is the most dangerous for a useful analysis. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 06:52:41
I think it is most useful to try to be as unsubjective as possible. Therefore I (try to) follow the opposite direction: Try to analyze what is really there and then check whether it matches my ideals (and thus there is a reason to support it). This way the results are not only what I expect. For instance lately I see more and more market elements in Free Software - which is not what I'd expect if thinking Free Software as a germ form of a post-capitalist society. However, it turns out to be useful because it shows how the germ form overcomes the former forms in a (positive) synthesis. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 06:52:41
On the other hand this perspective is certainly useful to understand earlier germ form processes. If you are interested in societal change then it is certainly a useful method to analyze the way capitalism came into being. This is useful because IMHO the shift to capitalism was as fundamental as the shift to the GPL society. Then it makes sense to check whether you can see similarities today. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-08 08:41:24
- I think this perspective is fundamentally flawed. To have some goal society and then to look for what signs for it is in essence an idealist perspective. This type of perspective makes it at least difficult to see reality as it is and projects wishes of today into an unknown future. Indeed I think this type of idealist approach is the most dangerous for a useful analysis. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 06:52:41
Step 1
In dieser Form ist die 5-Schritt-Analyse von Holzkamp inhaltlich stark eingeschränkt wieder gegeben. Tatsächlich geht es hier nicht nur um Keimformen, sondern um den "Aufweis der realhistorischen Dimensionen innerhalb der jeweils früheren Stufe". D.h. es geht insgesamt darum zu schauen, welche Voraussetzungen für das spätere Neue vorausgesetzt werden müssen. Das ist hier z.B. der "Grad der Produktivkraftentwicklung", z. B. in Form von entwickelten menschlichen Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten oder die materiell-technische Basis o.ä.(AS)
- In this form the five-step-analysis of Holzkamp is told very limited. In fact the subject is not only germ forms but the "showing of the real-historic dimension in the respective previous historical step". I.e. it needs to be checked which preconditions for the later new are required. Here this is the "level of development of productive forces" for example, for example in the form of developed human needs and abilities or the material-technical basis or similar.
Step 2
- Please complete with INNER CONTRADICTIONS.
Bei Holzkamp geht es um den "Aufweis der objektiven Veränderungen der Außenweltbedingungen, mit denen der "innere" Entwicklungswiderspruch... in seinem Umweltpol zustandekommen soll". In der Biologie, für das Holzkamp die Analyse durchführte, sind die Außenfaktoren tatsächlich sehr wesentlich, aber in der Geschichte wäre es zu einseitig, sie so stark zu betonen und dabei die innere Widersprüchlichkeit zu vernachlässigen.
- In Holzkamp the "showing of the objective changes of the conditions of the outer world, with which the "inner" development contradiction... shall come into being in its environment pole". In the biology, for which Holzkamp does the analysis, the external factors are indeed very important, but in the history it would be to single-minded to emphasize them so much and in this to neglect the inner contradictions.
Ich denke, viele Debatten, die die Bedeutung der neuen Informationstechniken und von Software etc. betonen, sehen (euphorisch-voreilig) nur den progressiven Pol der Widerspruchslösung und vernachlässigen die weiter möglichen kapitalistischen Bewegungsformen der entstehenden Widersprüche.(AS)
- I think many of the debates which emphasize the importance of new information technologies and of software etc. see (euporisch-voreilig) only the progressive pole of the solution of the contradiction and neglect the still possible capitalist forms of movement of the developing contradictions.
- Interesting. Can you name a few debates subject to this? -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 17:22:44
Steps 3 and 4
Hier liegt die wesentliche Neuerung gegenüber früheren dialektischen Entwicklungs-Sprungvorstellugnen durch Holzkamp. Neue Faktoren entstehen schon, solange da Alte noch dominiert (Funktionswechsel) und kommen oft erst nach langer Zeit selbst zur Dominanz (Dominanzwechsel).
- Here is the fundamental innovation of Holzkamp with respect to earlier dialectic development-leap-visions. New factors come into being while the old is still dominant (change of function) and often only after a long period become dominant themselves (change of dominance).
- Yes. I think this is indeed the most important innovation of the germ form idea if seen from a (authoritarian) classical leftist point. However, some anarchist models know more of this grow - though they have the wrong goal. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 17:22:44
Insofern als Entwicklungstheorie eine mit qualitativen "Sprüngen" angenommen wird, ist eine klare Unterscheidung der Zustände vor und nach dem Dominanzwechsel notwendig, damit der "Übergang" nicht zu kontinuierlich verschwimmt. (AS)
- As far as a development theory is thought of having qualitative leaps one needs to clearly distinguish the status before and after the change of dominance so the "transition" does not blur continuosly.
- I'm not sure whether I understand this but what I understand I disagree with. I can see no theoretical need that the change of dominance necessarily needs to be sharp at any point. In fact I could imagine a smooth transition from the old to the new form. For instance though bourgeoise society was born with revolutionary milestones I think the important things didn't happen in the revolutions but before and after them. In this example the power of the germ form can be seen nicely because it survived even backlashes like the Vienna Congress restoring feudal order. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 17:22:44
Germ form criteria
Wenn bei der Frage nach den Keimformen immer wieder nach Kritieren gefragt wird, macht es vielleicht Sinn, meine Bemerkung zum Punkt 1 zu berücksichtigen.
- When people continue to ask for criteria of the germ form it may be useful to take my comment to step 1 into account.
Es sollte deutlich gemacht werden, ob "Keimformen" sich auf die eher allgemeinen Voraussetzungen für das Neue im Punkt 1 beziehen, oder ob diese Voraussetzungen in iher Bedeutung gleich gewichtet sind oder ob es da Wesentlicherer oder Unwesentlichere gibt.
- It should be made clear whether "germ forms" relate to the more common preconditions for the new in step 1, whether these preconditions are weighed equally in their meaning or wether there are more important and less important ones.
- If you ask this way you need to say what are these aspects are important for? The growth of the germ form? Or the chance it comes into being into the frist place? Or its chance to survive? Or the chances that it is absorbed by the old? I'd think that for all these questions there are different importances. But, yes, I think there are more important ones and less important one for each of these dimensions. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-08 08:41:24
Ich denke es gibt hier eine Wichtung: So ist vor allem bei der von uns diskutierten "prospektiven" Anwendung dieser Analyse für eine neue Freie Gesellschaft das Moment der menschlichen Selbstentfaltung im Zentrum und die neuen Vernetzungstechniken usw. haben dafür eher nur Mittelcharakter.
- I think there is a weighing: In particular for the "prospective" use of this analysis discussed among us for a new Free Society the aspect of human Selbstentfaltung is in the centre and the new networking technologies only are means to an end.
- I don't know who Annette's "we" is here. I'm certainly not part of it. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 18:04:35
I'm not sure whether you can separate these two aspects as you do. I think the technical development and the Selbstentfaltung influence each other strongly. For instance the personal computer as we know it today is perfectly a result of a desire for Selbstentfaltung. Check the history of batch oriented and interactive computing to see how strong the desire for Selbstentfaltung was here. On the other hand more Selbstentfaltung was possible with the personal computer. No, I think these aspects can not be separated really. It simply isn't so that the means develop in some space while the Selbstentfaltung develops in another. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-08 08:41:24
- I don't know who Annette's "we" is here. I'm certainly not part of it. -- StefanMerten 2006-08-02 18:04:35
Deshalb sind für mich jene Momente "keimformhaft", die sich auf menschliche Selbstentfaltung beziehen und nicht irgendwelche anderen auch vorauszusetzenden Momente. (AS)
- Therefore for me those aspects are "germ-form-like" which relate to the Selbstentfaltung and not some other aspects which are also preconditional aspects.
- Extending my line of thought from the comment above I'd say that it is a criteria of a germ form to go into this interactive mode of developing means and Selbstentfaltung based on this means. -- StefanMerten 2007-01-08 08:41:24
- StefanMerten (translator)
Suggestions by GrahamSeaman
The seed metaphor does not combine well with the more or less marxist idea of socio-technically driven change. A seed grows to realise its own potential; the final flower is determined by the genes, proteins etc already present in the seed, and only size and maybe colour come from the environment. But with a technically-enabled social change only part of the final state derives from the initial social group; the driving forces are also outside this group.
Following from the seed metaphor:
A germform must be able to survive in the 'alien' world it is born into (a seed which falls into acid will never do anything). This aspect has been emphasized by StefanMerten: the germform must be able to survive within capitalism, and that means it must be able to integrate with it - without being absorbed. In Althusserian terms, only certain modes of production can be combined to produce a social formation.
A germform must be able to grow. A seed which never grows is not really a seed. Changing the relative weight of modes of production requires the social formation to adjust. The result is political conflict. The germform therefore cannot be purely technical or social, but must be able to generate it's own politics in order to defend itself (eg. defeat of software patent moves in the EU)
And not following from the seed metaphor at all (in fact, here the seed metaphor is obstructive):
A germform never grows as a single group, which would be too easily defeated. The same forces will produce related groups with their own variations in history, ideals, etc who must find ways to unite to form larger alliances - growth is by accretion, not from a single germ. Free software developers are only one group. The biotechnologists who managed to defeat the privatisation of the human genome are another. Jamie Love and the groups fighting WIPO are another. Free culturists another. Some left activists another (eg factory occupations in Argentina using free software, net-based brazilian indian activists, etc). These groups have different cultures which need to be melded together for the germform to grow - and the germform metaphor provides no language for this. Providing a 'true' definition of the germform may actually block such alliances since the definition is being generated beofre the alliance - and so based on only one of the cultures.
Suggestions by StefanMerten inspired by Steven Weber
These suggestions are inspired by the great book The Success of Open Source.
Germ forms are more likely for (productive) tasks with these characteristics:
- Disaggregated contributions can be derived from knowledge and goods that are accessible under clear, nondiscriminatory conditions, not proprietary or locked up.
- The product of the process is perceived as important and valuable
to a critical mass of users.
- The product benefits from widespread peer attention and review,
and can improve through creative challenge and error correction (that is, the rate of error correction exceeds the rate of error introduction).
- There are strong positive network effects to use of the product.
- An individual or a small group can take the lead and generate a
substantiative core that promises to evolve into something truly useful.
- A voluntary community of iterated interaction can develop around
the process of building the product.
A germ form is likely to work effectively when involved agents have these characteristics:
- Potential contributors can judge with relative ease the viability of the evolving product.
- The agents have the information they need to make an informed bet
that contributed efforts will actually generate a joint good, not simply be dissipated.
- The agents are driven by motives beyond simple economic gain and
have a "shadow of the future" for rewards (symbolically and otherwise) that is not extremely short.
- The agents learn by doing and gain personally valuable knowledge
in the process.
- Agents hold a positive normative or ethical valence toward the